These are the automatic nightly builds for DB Browser for SQLite, made from our latest `master` branch source code on GitHub: Windows ******* We've moved to providing MSI based installers, instead of the previous .exe ones. These new installers include both SQLite and SQLCipher (for optional encryption): * DB.Browser.for.SQLite-win32.msi * DB.Browser.for.SQLite-win64.msi Additionally, there's now a .zip version of each. That's useful for people needing to run DB Browser for SQLite without installing it first. * * If you're not sure which one to get, try the .msi version first. :) macOS ***** Our macOS builds are universal binaries, so they work on both Apple Silicon and Intel based macs from the exact same download. There are two builds available. One provides the latest SQLite release, with the other build providing optional encryption support (using SQLCipher). * DB.Browser.for.SQLite-universal.dmg * DB.Browser.for.SQLCipher-universal.dmg (this supports encryption) Just choose if you need encryption or not. If not, pick the SQLite build. :) Linux ***** For Linux the nightly builds aren't on this server. Instead, depending on your distribution you have a few options. :) * Ubuntu and its derivatives have nightly builds available: * * If you prefer Snap packages, there are nightly Snaps available: * If neither of those work for you, then you can build DB4S yourself: *